Photo Journal Series created by Bahar

Bahar, a newcomer, shares 6 youth stories through a series of creative photo journals.
Bahar, the artist

Artist Statement

"This project taught me a lot. I learned things about the friends I photographed that I didn’t know prior to these interviews. It also helped some talk or write about things or thoughts they had but never really talked about. It got personal and I think that aspect of the project was very successful.

I started off with forming a few questions that would provoke some self reflection and had my friends write their answers down. I knew I wanted to play with lighting as my main component of my pictures. I went on to photograph my friends who I interviewed without a specific plan for them. I wanted the photographs to feel natural rather than staged. It was interesting because while I did not want them to pose, I wanted the lighting to play a big role. I wanted a color scheme for the pictures and was able to achieve that.

The process of my photography involved capturing my subjects in candid moments while being in spaces where there were there were different forms of artificial light. This involved street lights, disco lights, room lamps, living room lighting in convential and unconvential spaces. The purpose of this project was to get an intimate understanding of my peers relationships with themselves."

To view the full pictures, please visit our Instagram page @NewYouthOfOntario.

Bahar photo journals

